I’m Skott – an independent transport planning recruiter. 

Now I’m firmly off the ciggies and cocktails, I’ve turned to  cycling for fitness redemption.  

Turns out, I’m pretty good.


Trouble is, dressing up in pink lycra, often while the wife is out and wanting the latest carbon speed machine is rather expensive.  

Sadly I have a family and three dogs to support and they all enjoy eating and keeping warm, especially during winter so all of my spare cash ain’t finding it’s way to my dream bike… 

Here are my top 3 life priorities

(*Not necessarily in that order)

Which means if you are a candidate looking for a career defining job, or  a client seeking to hire peeps that might even teach you a thing or two  about transport planning, As Wham! said, I’m your man!  


You see, I run a podcast where I engage with over 5000 transport planners every week along with one of those newsletter things, the ones that people want to read. I’m super hard working, efficient and in a weird way, I love this job! 

Which means if you are looking for a new transport planning job or you want to attract talent quickly and preferably in a way that lures those slippery devils out from the competition with ease… well, your message, (in my format) probably should be in front of the right audience…

To summarise – 

yB + AMS + RrA (v2 and P) = AFR ∞

So,If I am going to get closer to my dream, I need to work hard, do a sterling job and produce actual results – my reputation relies on it, plus I am highly unemployable which means this is all I got…  so when I say I will deliver, I have to deliver but more importantly I want to deliver.

“Skott talks a lot about cycling - he is pretty effective recruiter too”

Every client - ever.

I’m a tenacious bugger though, so when I set goals, they tends to happen, ask any of the two hundred plus transport planner’s I have placed in my ten year career.  

Handy that. 

Say hi on skott@sbr.agency or let’s chat on 07909512226 – I’ve learned to listen more than I talk, I never spam and all conversations are in the  strictest confidence.